
Mrs Reeta Basor

Patient's Name
Mrs. Reeta Basor

DMG Gastrointestinal
(Type of Cancer)

26 Years

Tata Memorial
Parel, Mumbai

MRS REETA BASOR is 26 years old Lady and She is suffering from DMG GASTROINTESTINAL (type of cancer) and she needs treatment on urgent basis and her treatment is ongoing with tata memorial hospital, Parel, Mumbai.

Case File Number:
CV/37459. Now she is in need of medical treatment which cost is 1,50,000/-. (one lakh, fifty thousand rupees only).

Family History : She got married 1 year back As soon as her husband came to know that she have cancer he left her. Currently she is leaving with her parents. Her parents are bearing the cost of total treatments. Earlier she used to work and her monthly salary was 3,333/- (Three Thousand Three Hundred And Thirty Three Rupees Only). That is yearly 40000/- (Fourty Thousand Rupees Only) Since she got cancer she is not on job and now all the money is spent on treatment Now it is NIL. As she is the only sole earner in her family managing both daily expenses and her medical treatment cost is very difficult to her.

Total Estimate - 1,50,000/-

Mauli Foundation in 2015 was established and registered Under Mumbai Act 1950 and help the Mentally retarded children's and Underprivileged Children to promote Education, Health, Nutrition, Senior Citizen, Medical Support for children suffering from critical illness, Orphanage Support for holistic development of the children.

Appeal to the Donor's : We therefore, sincerely appeal to the concerned donors like YOU to come forward and extend your full support to the needy patients, especially children and women. You have the power to change. “You have the power to change the world around and help the underprivileged children who need financial support for Critical Medical Surgeries and give them a new lease of life…….. Saving life of MRS REETA BASOR & Take The "SHOWER OF BLESSING FROM GOD.

Please join hands in our mission for this cause of saving the precious  life of MRS REETA BASOR and the entire cost of his treatment will be approx Rs. 1,50,000/- from admission to discharge including investigation Pre and Post, Doctor charges.

Total Estimate - 1,50,000/-

Our A/c Details is given below :

A/c No. : 916010029919034
Bank Name : Axis Bank
IFSC Code: UTIB0000064
Branch - Vile Parle West
Google Pay No. : 8097321475 OR 8097321475@okbizaxis
Emai id - contact@maulifoundation.org
Back Office Contact No - +91 8097657867

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